Capital Lease

Capital Leasing

Experience tells us that in the current economic climate our customers are often constrained by tight budgets and are likely to have limited cash available for capital expenditure, no matter how important the need for new equipment, whilst frequently being under pressure to show an immediate return on any investment that they make in equipment.  Our Capital Lease provides a solution to this issue.

A Capital Lease can offer you monthly payment terms to pay for your ideal equipment solution over time, generating a return on your investment from the day that the new equipment is up and running and allowing you to match the cost of the new equipment to the revenues that it generates (or saves) once it is installed within your business.

With a Capital Lease you pay rentals on the cost of the equipment, you then depreciate the
equipment the same as if it had been purchased and offset the interest we charge you
against tax. 

A capital lease is particularly suited to those customers who may intend to retain equipment for a long operating life, and when they may want to acquire ownership of the equipment at the end-of-lease.
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