Technology Equipment

Technology equipment

We understand modern high technology, that it may come in different shapes and sizes, from smartphones to mainframes, that it facilitates communication, commerce and the provision of information like never before, and is increasingly pivotal to business success.  We also appreciate that business success today is not just about technology; it's about the most efficient use of people, capital and technology and that finding that balance can be a challenge. 

To help with this, our technology finance team offers our customers leasing transactions that give them access to the technology equipment they need, when they need it, but without the need to invest precious and often scarce, working capital.

Our proven expertise in the provision of lease and structured finance allows our clients to acquire the equipment, systems, software and services they need, when needed, whilst at the same time matching technology expenditure to earnings (or savings) created by its use.  And once a solution is in-place our flexible Smart Lease facilities allow our clients to upgrade their technology using our technology refresh products, when needed, whilst reducing administration and the total cost of ownership.

We work directly with customers in a mixture of vertical business sectors that include banking, financial services, healthcare, distribution, retail, oil and gas, manufacturing and technology services; our business relationships extend to some of the largest (and smallest) companies in Europe, the USA and UK.
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